Project Details

some of the features implemented in the project

Database Schema

Used MongoDB to store the data.

Architecture Diagram

Product view page

• Customer should be able to search any product based on product name or seller name.
• Customer can also apply filter on the category of products before searching.
• Customer can sort the results based on price or ratings in both ascending and descending.
• Customer should be able to apply filter the results based on ratings and price.
• Customer should be able to choose a quantity and add the product to cart.
• Customer should be able to view all the images of the product one by one.
• Customer should be able to add a comment and also add rating to the product.
• Customer should be able to view the comments added by other customers.

checkout page

• Customer should be able to pick a saved address or enter a new address for delivery.
• Customer should be able to pick a saved card or add a new card for payment.
• In Cart page, user should be able to review all the items he wants to place an order.
• The products added to cart should be displayed along with their seller name, quantities individual price and total price.
• User should be able to change quantity or remove product from the cart.
• User can move the product from Cart to Save for later.

Admin Dashboard

• Admin user should be able to view different types of analytics graphs showing following data:
1) No of orders per day.
2) Top 5 most sold products.
3) Top 5 sellers based on total sales amount.
4) Top 5 customers based on total purchase amount.
5) Top 10 products based on rating.
6) Top 10 products viewed per day.

Admin view Products Page

• Admin should be able to add or remove the product categories to the application. These categories should be available in the dropdown for the Seller while adding their product and for Customers while searching products.
• Admin should not be able to remove the categories which have products mapped in them.
• When they click on each category, they should be able to view all the products added under that category with minimum details about the product – seller, price etc.